“Camp Grandma” Is Awesome..

FinleyNoraThis weekend the pink turkey (Finley) and fraternal chickens were shipped off to Camp Grandma(s). Here’s how that went, in a word: QUIET.

This is what I mean in plain English: Our kids went to their grandparent’s homes this weekend, and Jen and I had the house to ourselves for the first time since the twins were born. It was a nice break.

Friday night we played ‘hearts’ at a neighbors house ’till around 1:30AM or so. We both slept in Saturday morning till about 10:30AM.

Late Saturday morning we strolled around ‘Soda City’ for an hour or whatever, then grabbled lunch at Cantina and a pair of jeans for Jen at Granger Owings. Saturday afternoon we hung around the neighborhood pool without a care in the world until it was time to go to Mr. Friendly’s New Southern CafĂ© with the Georges and Denemarks, which of course was awesome as we all filled up on good food and belly laughs. Jen had the filet while I ordered the tuna steak.

Sunday morning we woke up late again and I watched Meet The Press and Fox News Sunday, horizontally…the whole time, and then the French Open Finals. I have no idea what Jennifer did, and don’t care, as she surely didn’t care what I was doing.

This big talk all typed out, I MISSED MY GIRLS! Jennifer fetched them from the Upstate while I was doing an Open House and on a listing appointment late Sunday afternoon. This all said, we owe our parents a big Thank You for taking the girls so we could have a nice relaxing weekend for the first time in a long while.

If you’re curious, Finley and ‘Nor’Bomb’ (aka, The Loud One) went to Anderson (pic above), while little Ivey hung out in Clinton for the weekend. Apparently a big time was had by all…including Jennifer and me.


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