Late Night Exfoliating. A New Breath…

PoolKGIf you know me well or are a regular reader of this blog, you may be aware that I’ve owned two homes for a little over a decade now. When I bought 2312 Wilmot Ave., I still owned 1919 Atascadero Drive and kept it for years. About two and a half years ago we moved to Trimblestone Court, and have continued to own ‘Wilmot.’

Friday, our lives changed.

For the first time in a looong time, I now have the pleasure of owning one home, and it’s glorious. By “I,” I mean Jennifer and I, but since we weren’t on the first two deeds together, I avoid the term “we.” That said, Jennifer weathered the storm with me and here we are.

The pool pic above is me deciding to celebrate with a late night victory lap (and by lap, I mean walk around and maybe do a few breast strokes and tread water in 3-5′ depth).

I don’t know why, but I wanted to have a moment to mark the new us. It was sort of a self exfoliation – a rinsing off of a monthly mortgage burden I’ve carried for years.

Did I have to sacrifice a little to make it work? Yes. Big picture, however, I had to take the same advice I’ve given sellers for a decade now. “Cut the line, because another payment is coming, and again, and again. Just cut it, move on, and make it up.”

Big thanks to Jennifer for seeing this through, and to Amanda, Amy, and Elizabeth, for enduring it, too. It has not been an ideal situation for anyone, but we made it work.

If I could give a shout out, it’s to Michael Edens and his team at Southern First Bank. Michael has been my banker for years now, and his guidance helped me make this happen. Brutal honesty here; We turned four mortgages into two, which may sound odd, but is a win/win going forward.

Congratulations to the new owners of 2312 Wilmot Avenue! Jennifer and I loved living here, and we brought all three of our baby girls to Wilmot. The house was great, but the ‘block’ of Shandon was just awesome. I’m super excited for the new owners.

Back to the pool. I’m probably on video breaking some rules and if someone needs to put me in real estate victory lap pool jail, I’ll just blog about that too with the hashtag #WorthIt.

Thank you!

New Day – FJ




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