THE HOTSHEET; The New Columbia Real Estate Binnoculars…

Search New Listings Like REALTORS…

On MLS, we have something called the “Hotsheet.” The Hotsheet shows what has been put on the market every day. It is a pretty good tool, and I try to utilize it to its full potential when I list a house (If you are a Seller of mine, you already know this).

Below is the Hotsheet of new listings for intown Columbia, from 01/07/08 – 01/11/08. I may update this every night, so that you can keep up with whats new to the market. If I can make this work, you will know what is new to the market faster than other buyers, and many Realtors…

Please note, these are not (some of them may be) my listings. These are Columbia intown listings, that any one of 2,300 Realtors have listed…

Hotsheet 01/07/08 – 01/11/08.


  1. That is so helpful and nice of you to share the hotsheet with your bloggers. Thanks

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